Mosaic Sculpture

My work is about discovering what evolves when you take something initially meant for one thing and do something else with it…turn it upside-down and sideways and inside out and watch the transformation. It’s also about participating in and observing the immediate world around me, and then going to work every day and making something about that world, which leads to making something else, which then leads to some other thing.
Many of these works are in collections but for a private viewing of the latest work, higher resolution images, and/or other information, please see my contact information below.

    • Kim's Korset

      Mixed Media | 2024 | 17 " x 13" x 2”
      The Collection of Kim Kuenlen

    • Reticule In Blue

      Mixed Media | 2024 | 9" x 14" x 5”

    • Calvinist Cavalcade Camp

      Mixed Media | 2024 | 12" x 12" x 2.5”

    • American History, As Told By White Men, In Red

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12" x 11.5" x 2”
      The Collection of Marcus Miner

    • Tighty Whities

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12" x 12" x 1.5”
      The Collection of Marty Olson

    • Tighty Whities

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12" x 12" x 1.5”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • Not Boots Randolph

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 25" x 13" x 15”

    • California Folded Shirt

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12” x 12” x 2”
      The Collection of Parker Antin

    • Flaxen Folded Shirt

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12” x 11.5” x 2.5”
      The Collection of Janna Johnson

    • Las Vegas Folded Camp

      Mixed Media | 2023 | 12” x 11.5” x 2”

    • Colorado Camp

      Mixed Media | 2022 | 27” x 21” x 2”

    • Colorado Camp - Rear View

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2022

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: George O'Keeffe

      Mixed Media | 2022 | 14" x 12" x 1”
      The Collection of Michael Moore

    • California Camp

      Mixed Media | 2022 | 27” x 20” x 2”

    • California Camp - Rear View

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2022

    • Microwave Safe

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 19" x 25" x 3”

    • Short History of a Modern Woman

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 56" x 19" x 10”
      The Collection of Wayne Rocheleau & Sarah Nelson

    • Short History of a Modern Woman

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2021

    • Short History of a Modern Woman

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2021

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Óxido “Rusty” Kahlo

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 18" x 14" x 1”
      The Collection of Ruth Cañamar

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Ernestine Lisa

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 23" x 19" x 2”
      The Collection of Kathleen McNaboe

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Pavlo Nimoy

      Mixed Media | 2022 | 23" x 19" x 1”
      The Collection of Ann & Marvin Hunt

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Flint Eastwood

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 20" x 17" x 1”
      The Collection of Jennifer Anne North

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Hattie Wood & Otis McKeeby

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 22" x 19" x 1”
      The Collection of Lou Ann Thomas

    • Not Exactly Sculpture, but...

      The Lost Sibling Series: Delroy Knotts

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 17" x 14" x 1”

    • Incident on Rampart Street

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 29" x 16" x 8.5”

    • Onderful, Wyoming

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 20" x 11" x 6”

    • Western Shirt Deluxe

      Mixed Media | 2020 | 20” x 25.5” x 2.5”
      The Collection of Christine and Jim Kraft

    • Nothing but Blue Skies

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 34" x 15" x 7”
      The Collection of Kim Kuenlen

    • Crown Ivory

      Mixed Media | 2020 | 27” x 16” x 2”

    • Crown Ivory

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2020

    • Fundamentalist Wear #1, 2020

      Mixed Media | 2020 | 30" x 20" x 3.5”

    • Fundamentalist Wear #1, 2020

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2020

    • Fundamentalist Wear #1, 2020

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2020

    • Magic Kingdom

      Mixed Media | 2020 | 25" x 11" x 4”
      The Collection of Christie Mondell Reinhardt

    • Ducal Camp Shirt

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 28" x 18" x 2”

    • Crooksville Red

      Mixed Media | 2021 | 15" x 25" x 3”
      The Collection of Michael Borck and Kathy Brannan

    • Blue Dream Jacket

      Mixed Media | 2020 | 31" x 24" x 3”
      The Collection of Marty Olson

    • Blue Dream Jacket

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2020

    • Blue Dream Jacket

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2020

    • Hawaii 01

      Mixed Media | 2019 | 33" x 23" x 3”
      The Collection of Cima Katz

    • Hawaii 01

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2019

    • Hawaii 01

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2019

    • Madame

      Mixed Media | 2018-19 | 62" x 18" x 15”
      The Collection of Marty Olson

    • Madame

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2018-19

    • Madame

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2018-19

    • Young Major

      Mixed Media | 2019 | 8” x 10” x 10”
      The Collection of Cima Katz

    • Young Major

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2019

    • Young Major

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2019

    • Good Night Owl

      Mixed Media | 2019 | 5" x 15" x 5"
      The Collection of Anna Keifer

    • Good Night Owl

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2019

    • Green Fuggedaboudit Jar

      Mixed Media | 2019 | 7" x 6" x 6"

    • Pig

      Mixed Media | 2018 | 7" x 4" x 8"
      The Collection of Kim Kuenlen

    • Pig

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2018

    • Pig

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2018

    • Dawg

      Mixed Media | 2017 | 9" x 20" x 12"
      The Collection of Michael Borck and Kathy Brannan

    • Dawg

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2017

    • Dawg

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2017

    • Untitled Figurine

      Mixed Media | 2017 | 8" x 18" x 6"
      The Collection of Tammy and Gary Maki

    • Untitled Figurine

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2017

    • Untitled Figurine

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2017

    • Folk Trio and the Baby

      Mixed Media | 2016 | 24" x 20" x 5"
      The Collection of Doug Read and Don Gudie

    • Folk Trio and the Baby

      Detail | Mixed Media | 2016

    • Bluegrass Buddha

      Mixed Media | 2016 | 24" x 19" x 6"
      The Collection of Doug Read and Don Gudie